Open Letters

An Open Letter to Simon Fraser University re: Support for Students During Covid-19 Pandemic

March 25th, 2020 An Open Letter to Simon Fraser University re: Support for Students During Covid-19 Pandemic To SFU Administration, SFU Senate, and all SFU Faculty Deans, SFPIRG (the Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group) is a student-funded, student-led non-profit that works to engage students in social and environmental justice…
Read moreabout:An Open Letter to Simon Fraser University re: Support for Students During Covid-19 Pandemic

Issues and Readings

Zine: Canadian Mining Impacts and Resistance Movements

By UBC’s GEOG 495, Class of 2019, taught by Dr. Juanita Sundberg  ( Dear Readers, This zine is the collective effort of the 2019’s Geography 495: “Social Movements in the Americas: The politics of North-South solidarity in theory & practice” class taught by Dr. Juanita Sundberg. Throughout the course of a…
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Notice and Key Dates
Issues and Readings

Article: We Can Teach Kids About Consent Without Bringing Sex Into the Conversation

“When we talk about consent, it is often in a sex-related context. However, our body is ours and we have the right to draw boundaries in all daily interactions – not just in sex. The same even truer for children. Just because they’re young does not mean we should disregard…
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Issues and Readings

Article: How To Be An Accountable Man

“How To Be An Accountable Man: A Handbook for Preventing Violence” is a handbook developed by Isaac Louie, through the workstudy program at SFPIRG. Because of the thickness of the printed version, limited copies are available at SFPIRG (although we’re always happy to print one for you – just send…
Read moreabout:Article: How To Be An Accountable Man