Info Hub

SFPIRG’s Info Hub is a place where folks can access resources to get introduced to or deepen one’s knowledge on various social and environmental justice topics. It’s the perfect place to start if you’re new to social and environmental activism! Click on a button below to start exploring our resources!

We’re always looking to expand our knowledge base! If you have an article or a resource that you really like, share it with us at [email protected]!

**Please note that, along with much of our new site, our Info Hub is in development. We are actively working to expand on and improve our content! Check back regularly as we make changes!**



Body Sovereignty

Climate Justice


Economy and Alternative Economies

Healing Justice


Mutual Aid

Police & Prison Abolition


Solidarity Work

Systems of Oppression

Transformative Justice

Tuition and Cost of Education

Work, Anti-work and Labour Issues