Anti-oppression work involves dismantling the various systems of oppression (the “-isms”) that are deeply embedded into the fabric of society. SFPIRG advocates for the deconstruction of those systems and works to redress their consequences.
Suggested Reading from SFPIRG texts!
- What is anti-oppression?
- Theory: anti-oppression
- 5 Oppressive Tactics We Need to Stop Using in Our Anti-Oppression Work
Anti-oppression in Practice
- Want to know more about using art as a form of anti-oppressive practice? Check out this toolkit for critical and creative changemakers!
- Are you a facilitator looking to gain some skills in how to enact anti-oppressive meetings? Check out this zine from the AORTA collective (includes practical tips and considerations of disability justice in meetings!)
Gender and Justice
- BC Gender Equality Report Card 2021-22 (West Coast LEAF, 2022)
- We Are Here: Women’s Experiences of the Barriers to Reporting Sexual Assault (West Coast LEAF, 2022)
- Crucial Voices: Report on the National Action Plan to End Gender-based Violence (Students for Consent Culture Canada, 2022)
- Action Plan: Our Calls, Our Action (Native Women’s Association of Canada, 2021)