Issues and Readings

Zine: Canadian Mining Impacts and Resistance Movements

By UBC’s GEOG 495, Class of 2019, taught by Dr. Juanita Sundberg  ([email protected]) Dear Readers, This zine is the collective effort of the 2019’s Geography 495: “Social Movements in the Americas: The politics of North-South solidarity in theory & practice” class taught by Dr. Juanita Sundberg. Throughout the course of a…
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Issues and Readings

Article: We Can Teach Kids About Consent Without Bringing Sex Into the Conversation

“When we talk about consent, it is often in a sex-related context. However, our body is ours and we have the right to draw boundaries in all daily interactions – not just in sex. The same even truer for children. Just because they’re young does not mean we should disregard…
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Issues and Readings