Open Letters

Support for FNSA’s ‘Let Us Speak’ Campaign

To the SFU Administration, The Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group (SFPIRG) expresses strong support for Indigenous students, Indigenous community members, and the First Nations Students Association in their ‘Let Us Speak’ campaign. SFPIRG recognizes that the treatment of Indigenous students by the SFU administration constitutes colonial institutional violence, and…
Read moreabout:Support for FNSA’s ‘Let Us Speak’ Campaign

Open Letters

SFU C19 Coalition Endorsement and Open Letter re Just Recovery Principles

We, the Board of Directors of the Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group (SFPIRG), endorse the SFU C19 Coalition, and the Just Recovery Principles. As a representative body made up of undergraduate, graduate students, and members of the larger community, we are concerned that many students are under threat of…
Read moreabout:SFU C19 Coalition Endorsement and Open Letter re Just Recovery Principles

Issues and Readings

Zine: Canadian Mining Impacts and Resistance Movements

By UBC’s GEOG 495, Class of 2019, taught by Dr. Juanita Sundberg  ([email protected]) Dear Readers, This zine is the collective effort of the 2019’s Geography 495: “Social Movements in the Americas: The politics of North-South solidarity in theory & practice” class taught by Dr. Juanita Sundberg. Throughout the course of a…
Read moreabout:Zine: Canadian Mining Impacts and Resistance Movements