along the top and bottom of the tile are triangles in cream, salmon, and navy colours. in the lower right corner are two figures standing on either side a balloting box. Tere is text that reads: "SFPIRG is hiring! Apply to be SFPIRG's Electoral Officer. 1-5 hours per week from February-March. Honoraria provided! Apply by January 21."
Issues and Readings

Article: Online learning during COVID-19: 8 ways universities can improve equity and access

In this article, the authors analyze various online resources and discuss with staff from 19 centres in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Lebanon to understand how universities make online education accessible. They provide recommendations from universities about how to improve educational equity in higher education during…
Read moreabout:Article: Online learning during COVID-19: 8 ways universities can improve equity and access

Issues and Readings

Article: Using Social Justice to Promote Student Voice

In this article Lorena Germán, a middle school teacher, discusses how preteen students in her class “were able to develop a research-based position and a nuanced understanding of very polarizing topics”. With a focus on intersectionality, she teaches a strategy that can be used to encourage students to raise their…
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Issues and Readings

Article: How Can Schools Promote Social Justice?

The following article discusses the viewpoints of five educators about how schools can promote social justice. “To improve social justice through education you have to start further back. First, I would ensure that all our families have decent housing.” – Marva Rollins: Headteacher, Raynham primary school, Enfield, London “… a…
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Issues and Readings

Article: Five Principles of Social Justice

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. (1960) Social justice is both a goal and a process of building a society…
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Issues and Readings

Zine: Canadian Mining Impacts and Resistance Movements

By UBC’s GEOG 495, Class of 2019, taught by Dr. Juanita Sundberg  ([email protected]) Dear Readers, This zine is the collective effort of the 2019’s Geography 495: “Social Movements in the Americas: The politics of North-South solidarity in theory & practice” class taught by Dr. Juanita Sundberg. Throughout the course of a…
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Issues and Readings

Article: We Can Teach Kids About Consent Without Bringing Sex Into the Conversation

“When we talk about consent, it is often in a sex-related context. However, our body is ours and we have the right to draw boundaries in all daily interactions – not just in sex. The same even truer for children. Just because they’re young does not mean we should disregard…
Read moreabout:Article: We Can Teach Kids About Consent Without Bringing Sex Into the Conversation

Issues and Readings

Article: How To Be An Accountable Man

“How To Be An Accountable Man: A Handbook for Preventing Violence” is a handbook developed by Isaac Louie, through the workstudy program at SFPIRG. Because of the thickness of the printed version, limited copies are available at SFPIRG (although we’re always happy to print one for you – just send…
Read moreabout:Article: How To Be An Accountable Man