How Can You Help?

Want to help support SFPIRG’s campaign for space at SFU? Here’s a list of actions you can take to help us secure space on campus!

  1. Email the SFSS Board of Directors and demand that they put the Rotunda groups in the SUB! Ask them to use the Students’ plan for the SUB!
  2. Sign our online petition if you haven’t already done so!
  3. Pick up a green scarf and a Campus Super Hero button from SFPIRG, and show your support while you walk around campus!  Scarves and buttons are available for free at SFPIRG, or from our volunteers while tabling.
  4. Are you on Facebook (@SFPIRG)Instagram (@SFPIRG) or Twitter (@SFPIRG)? Follow us on social media! Please like and share our campaign content.
  5. Write a testimonial about why you need SFPIRG to stay on campus. Even a few sentences can have a huge impact. Send your testimonial to:
    1. SFSS Board of Directors
      [email protected]
    2. Andrew Petter
      SFU President & Vice-Chancellor
      [email protected]
    3. Peter Keller
      SFU Vice-President, Academic and Provost
      [email protected]
    4. Wade Parkhouse
      SFU Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic
      [email protected]
    5. Martin Pochurko
      SFU Vice-President Finance & Administration
      [email protected]
    6. Tim Rahilly
      SFU Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President, Students & International
      [email protected]
    7. Erin Biddlecombe
      SFU Director of Operations, Planning, and Projects
      [email protected]
    8. SFPIRG Space Campaign
      [email protected]
  1. Invite us to come and speak about the campaign with your class, club, student union, labour union, or department. Email us at [email protected] to schedule a talk!
  2. Volunteer with the Space Campaign to help make SFU a real Community campus! Volunteers are needed for gathering petition signatures, leafleting, putting up posters, speaking with groups, and more! Apply to volunteer to sign up!
  3. Learn more about SFPIRG’s Space Campaign by visiting our FAQ!