Article: We Can Teach Kids About Consent Without Bringing Sex Into the Conversation

“When we talk about consent, it is often in a sex-related context. However, our body is ours and we have the right to draw boundaries in all daily interactions – not just in sex. The same even truer for children. Just because they’re young does not mean we should disregard their needs. This article reminds me of my country where age plays an important role in our everyday interactions. We have an age hierarchy which mean the youth must absolutely respect the elders – this is the first thing we learn. The respect is almost one-sided and comes automatically: the elders do not have to like nor respect the youth to gain the youth’s respect. If the youth do something that’s against or displeases the elders, even if they just try to set boundaries, they are labeled rude and uneducated. I agree with Martha when she says that teaching children consent is a great way to empower them. I also think that teaching children consent is a great way to teach adults to respect boundaries – not only their children’s boundaries, but everyone’s boundaries.” – SFPIRG Workstudy Student

We Can Teach Kids About Consent Without Bringing Sex Into the Conversation

*Taken from Rewire.News on July 9th, 2019